
Receiver Sherwood R-756 auto turning-off – SOLVED

By on jul 15, 2019 in Tecs | 2 comments

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A have an old Gradiente Esotech DR-5.5HT that was turning off a few seconds after turned on. Gradiente was a Brazilian company that uses, in some cases, equipments from another vendors until has his own projects. This is one of this cases. Internally the equipment is a Sherwood Newcastle R-756. I found its diagrams on internet. Let us see! You can find on Google searching for “Sherwood R-756 schematics”

After some research, , I found that the central processor, a Sony CXP82860, controls the power supply.

The power supply relay is controlled by the ST/BY-RLY pin (stand-by relay). Then, the central processor is turning off the equipment. We can see, in addition, a pin called PROTECT. This pin receives a signal from the equipment main board. When I disconnected the flat cable from main board, the equipment do not turn off anymore. Then I can see the PROTECT signal is telling to the processor that is something wrong.

On the main board circuit, the PROTECT line come from the power supply and from the amplifier board (yellow). When I disconnected the amplifier board the fail remains, then the problem (in my case) is on the power supply.

This equipment has four power supply circuits:

When I disconnected the 60VAC plug, the problem disappeared. Then I know the problem is on the +60/-60V. I took out the capacitors and test them, then I found one of this is not working.

After changing the capacitor, and clean-up the mess from the leak dielectric from it (I was thinking it was some type of glue), the equipment came back to life! Great!

Then, if you have a similar problem, my suggestion is:

If you have luck (like me), the problem will be on the capacitors! Well, it’s a 20 years old equipment!

Good luck.


  1. Anacleto Muniz

    24 de abril de 2023

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    Prezado David,

    Excelente artigo. Tenho um eqpto deste que está parado uns 2 anos (por falta de interesse meu). Estava totalmente funcional, porém sem saída de áudio. Monitorei todo o circuito de áudio até a placa PCB2-1 (processor). Parei a busca e continuei hoje. Só que fora o problema que já tinha, agora ele entra em proteção (desliga após alguns segundos). Já tinha feito estes teste que vc fez e, realmente, ao desligar o conector do transformador (3 fios) e ele continua “normal” (sem proteção). Medi os capacitores na placa, e achei um (6800 uF) acima da tolerância de 10%, neste caso está com 5700 uF. Os restantes estão dentro do tolerável (10000 -> 9200, 2200 -> 1900). Vc acha que este de 6800 pode ser o causador da proteção ?

    Obrigado pela atenção,

    • David

      26 de abril de 2023

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      Anacleto, pela análise do circuito, o desligamento ocorre quando algumas fontes de alimentação está abaixo do valor previsto. Se não me engano são 6 fontes: +70V, -70V, +15V, -15V, +5V, -5V. Se alguma destas estiver muito fora do valor, o equipamento desliga. Um capacitor com capacidade abaixo do valor pode alterar, mas é pouco provável. O ideal é medir as fontes e identificar qual delas está variando. Se precisar do esquema, é só falar.

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